Joined: August 29, 2012
Posts: 2
Posted: Post subject: What happened to reporting on ACTUAL News! |
Ok ok ok ok !
What the hell happened to report on the news?!?!?!?
Which is quite weird that the ONLY thing in this forum is the Fort shooting that happened almost thousand years ago (Yes, that is an exaggeration) , but start reporting!
Ok so far so good here's what has happened!
London hosted the Olympic with America winning record breaking amounts of gold, a FANTASTIC opening and closing set of ceremonies referencing to almost EVERY Brit Pop Culture phenomenon to happen since the beginning of Pop culture... Going from Harry Potter to James Bond and even more.....
But while London held the Olympics, America (AKA NASA over at JPL, Jet Propulsion Lab in California) sent a hover craft to the planet of Mars, and GUESS WHAT !?!?!?
Yup, everything went smoothly and we are now getting daily updates of the gaseous red planet named after the Roman (not Greek) god of war!
Also, in the election, Mitt Romney ( the 2012 Republican/ GOP Presidential Candidate) has brought his runner up or his VP on to his campaign...
The mate's name? Paul Ryan or his name should be Paul I am a complete ------ , because he and Romney certainly make it a clearly blunt point of NOT knowing how to run a proper campaign and continue to make themselves look completely --------....
And finally, for all those Twi-hards out in the universe, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are NOT getting back together after Stewart's alleged affair with Snow White and the Huntsman's director, Rupert Sanders...
So much to the point, that none of the ACTUALLY "famous" cast members (Pattinson, Stewart, and Lautner) shall be showing up the soon to come Twilight Conventions nor the Press tours....
Sad but true my lovelys, but THAT is what happens when you screw around and think you can get away with it....
In military news, Gen. Amos of the USMC has decided to send female into SOIOC ( Short IOC means School of Infantry Officer Candidacy) stating that, "We have to give this a try, times are coming to a change, so the Corp should too"
Well, so for so good that should cover up the remain time gap that has deeply devastated this poor, poor forum...
Until next time
Good night and Good luck